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iron manufacture中文是什么意思

用"iron manufacture"造句"iron manufacture"怎么读"iron manufacture" in a sentence


  • 炼铁
  • 生铁生产


  • Polyester : steel and iron manufacturing facility , cement facility , excellent strength , high resistance against abrasion
  • Anti - static polyester : steel and iron manufacturing facility , cement facility , facility including the risk due to fine dusts , high anti - static polarity ( 105 - 108 / square ) , low pressure drop , good dust cleaning
    抗静电涤纶:钢铁制造设备,水泥设备,一些容易因小火而导致损害的仪器设备;强抗静电,极性( 105 - 108每平方) ,低压降,除尘率好。
  • Hot strip rolling is one of the important working procedures in steel & iron manufacture , the hot strip rolling procedure poses many unique characteristics , such as high precision control requirement , rapid responsibility , closed inter - relationship among working procedures , affected by multi - factors , relation which is complex , the movement rules which is non - linear
用"iron manufacture"造句  


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